導航:首頁 > 交易百科 > 電影在10分鍾之前開始了的英文


發布時間:2024-04-26 10:22:06

⑴ 初中英語句子翻譯,在線等。不要用在線翻譯

1. Do not play football on the street! (非要把千萬翻出來很chinglish,可以用be sure not)
2. Hurry up! The movie started ten minutes ago.(我似乎記得你們要求用現在完成時態。。不過這。。。真tm裝怪啊!現在完成時:the movie has started since 10 minutes ago 尼瑪搞毛啊!!這是神馬英語!!)
3. How long can I keep this book?
4. Grandpa's death made him very disappointed.
5. I hear Li Lei playing the piano next room.
I hear Li Lei play the piano next room.
6. She is such a beautiful girl.
What a beautiful girl she is! (我忘了初中要求強調句。。。)
7. Miss Wang is strict with his students as well as his work.
8. I got up late because I didn't sleep early. (還有一種是換個句式嗎?你自己換吧,這玩意我很久沒用過了。。)
9. How's the weather in Tokyo?
What's the weather like in Tokyo?
10. How fast the horse runs!



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